Chae-hwa [9toNever]

Chae-hwa is the sharp, stoic professional middle-manager of the local HyperCo logistics branch, overseeing the distrobution of the company's many products across the city. She would describe her position as a demanding exercise in futility, wrangling automated systems and then having to make up excuses when it fails, never once mentioning the truth that sometimes things don't arrive when they're supposed to. Naturally, nothing in her job description outright says she's a glorified scapegoat, and yet she's got no control over the systems she's responsible for. That's just another inconvenient truth management doesn't like to hear- but that's fine. Chae-hwa doesn't need to tell them what they should already know- that's why she hasn't mentioned using the company expense account to pay Henriette for emergency runs. After all, management never asks why Chae-hwa's district has the best delivery rate in the region.

As gruelling as those ten-hour days are, at least there's only three a week- as mandated by the city's standard work week of 30 hours and HyperCo's very clear stance on overtime pay. The last time they allowed her to work over, she'd earned enough to have a personal Minimecha holofield installed at her home. Though that was a complete impulse buy made when she'd had less than ten matches under her belt, she hasn't once regretted it. Good enough to be a strong contender in local leagues and a die-hard fan of heavyweight builds, the idea of signing up for a team or a tournament is a tempting one- though the scheduling of her job and a general worry that taking a few locals wins won't carry accross to a more professional setting have kept her from doing so, at least for now.

Chae-hwa can be difficult to read, as she's rarely very emotive at all. Her poker face isn't so much a result of active effort as it is her default response to most things, making it hard to intuit what she's thinking. In concert with her talents for managing chaos and finding creative solutions, she can be a devastatingly effective tactician, especially in team games. Even if you manage to surprise her, she's quick to adapt and shut that window of opportunity- like a chess master, she's not so much predicting what your next move will be as she is already knowing what to do when you try it.

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Callsign: Crown

Likes: After-work drinks, competition, impulse purchasing, certainty and consistency

Dislikes: HyperCo products, office chairs, random chance, public restrooms