Let The Dream Begin

Welcome to Acht Sieben! I'm Tsuchigumo, writer/artist/creator/chief hat wearer for this little passion project. I'll save the detailed explanation for the About page, but in short, this website is a place for my own unique brand of weirdness away from the algorithmically-driven, open-air circus that is social media sites. There are no advertisements, no sponsors, and no guarantees- just a space where I can say what I want, do what I want, and write the story that I want.

Acht Sieben is a personal project where I attempt to take everything I like and make one ever-growing whole of it. The eclectic mix of influences and desires driving it lead to a unique premise, but I believe that there are no bad concepts- only poor executions. More than anything, this website is me- not only a living snapshot of what goes on in my head, but a concentrated effort to refine my skills and broadcast it in its best light.

Current Status

ALPHA VERSION 0.2 achieved! Currently, the site isn't quite usable yet, but I've finished off the basics. Right now, there's only the splash page, home page, and about page. I plan to tackle the Character, Story, and World pages with a different layout, and potentially upload the first chapter of Acht Sieben properly. I also need to get around to the Art and Blog pages, but those are honestly a secondary priority right now. I might end up doing them first to practice with CSS more. I think this is a reasonable start for just one weekend of work.