Charlotte [oceanCake]

A relative newcomer to the Minimechanica scene, Charlotte has come a long way from her first match in just a few months. Considering that she got started through Henriette essentially tricking her into playing in one of those matches with little more than a loaner mech and fifteen minutes of coaching, it's a minor miracle that she stuck around. Or, it would have been, if not for her taking wins in three of her five matches and obliviously enjoying the drinks her two losses earned her. She's stuck to the game largely out of curiosity and finding it genuinely fun, though has yet to build a mech of her own yet (despite Henriette's best efforts). She doesn't mind a small wager here and there, either- especially from more experienced players expecting to bully her. Be it beginners luck or natural talent, she can hold her own in the cockpit decently well- and if she loses, she's also plenty able to hold a drink or two.

Everything about Charlotte is huge- from her curvaceous figure to her towering height, from her happy-go-lucky warm smile to her gigantic bladder capacity, she's large in every direction and dimension. Charlotte is, to put it simply, enough woman to drown in. Combined with her endless enthusiasm and tendency to leap first and think never, she seems oblivious to the attention she draws or the potential consequences of her actions. In truth, she's not quite as airheaded as she lets on, though it's usually unclear where that ends and the act begins. If she suddenly looks directly at you with an uncharacteristically sharp, thoughtful expression, it's because she's decided to take you seriously. Whether that means she likes you or hates you, however, is impossible to tell from that look alone.

Charlotte's wardrobe consists primarily of loose, flowing clothes that would be suitable for a beachside vacation, as well as numerous pairs of jeans she had to have custom-ordered to fit her unreasonably wide frame. She most commonly pairs her outfits with an endless series of simple, colorful accessories and singular detached sleeves, giving her outfits splashes of color and a distinctly asymmetric look. Her fashion sense carries over into Minimechanica- though she has yet to build a mech of her own, she's painted a few of Henriette's spares and given them a distinctive, punkish feel.

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Callsign: Bahama

Likes: Window-shopping, fancy tropical drinks, road trips, days at the beach, attention

Dislikes: How stores never stock anything in her size, coffee that isn't 70% cream and sugar, rainy days