"K" [hntxnld87]

Owner and occasional operator of Acht Sieben, K is an intensely unique individual- though despite the anachronistic dress and being cursed with the world's least trustworthy face, he's not a bad guy. Probably not, anyway. Sure, he carries a literal, actual sword everywhere he goes, and he's prone to disappearing for days or even weeks at a time without warning, and there's something about a little sister that wants him dead, and... well, he might be a rat, but he's a rat with a code of honor at least. Beyond that much, it's hard to tell where the truth ends and the myth begins- so much so that even his actual name is an unknown. There is an active betting pool going for whether or not he pays his taxes.

The advice he gives is often functionally correct if impractical, and his stories could be sourced from reality as easily as they could fiction, but he's always eager to offer either up on request. Given that he can't handle alcohol well, it's a wonder that the specialty drinks on Acht Sieben's menu are as decent as they are- but the real treat are the grilled cheese sandwiches he makes. Only available when he's staffing the counter and hidden away as a secret menu item, knowing about it at all is generally a sign that you've become a regular.

The confusing jumble of letters that make up his online handle do relate back to his "name", but only through multiple steps of obfuscation. As a result, few are aware of his network persona, and even those who did figure it out did so through other means. Using "K" to mean potassium, he shortened the word "hanatoxin" (a toxin that works by inhibiting potassium receptors) by removing all vowels (as is commonly seen with certain abbreviations of Japanese words). As if that wasn't already clear as mud, tacked on "ld87", referencing "lethal dose 50" (a metric for measuring the lethality of poisons and toxins) but using 87 instead (referencing, you guessed it, Acht Sieben). He thinks this is immensely clever.

It really isn't.

More Info

Callsign: N/A

Likes: Improvised comedy routines, standing out in the crowd, revolution, his sister

Dislikes: Endless cycles and routines, layers of authority, pointless questions, his sister